One thing (among many) that we are proud of regarding our elementary program is the trust and support that our parents have for the program. Our fall after-school program started last August 23rd, the same day as the DCPS opening day, which gave us just 2 weeks after our summer program ended to plan and recruit. Nonetheless, in just the first week of the program we received more than 70 intake forms at our Thomson site and 25 intake forms at our Bancroft site. Parents were even asking for more intake forms for their kids but because of the limited cap for students, we had to put some of them on the waiting list. We were able to enroll almost 100 students between our two sites, exceeding our program goal by 25 percent!
We also started our after school program with six new additional staff members to our current staff, who bring in fresh energy and many talents. In addition to academic support, our staff have been teaching exciting new enrichment activities such as Chinese calligraphy and break dancing.
Thomson Pre-K and Kinder class
Bancroft students coloring their family tree activity.

We start teaching Chinese Calligraphy as part of our enrichment activities.