Wednesday, June 24, 2009
MD Middle School takes a year end field trip to Dave & Busters
Due to an unfortunately towed car (which contained the camera), there aren't any pictures of our night at Dave & Busters, but be assured, everyone involved had a lot of fun. Look for more events in the near future as we kick off our summer program.
If any AA LEAD students are reading this, please let me know if you have any pictures that you took and we'll be sure to upload some!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dr. Rosen and B.D. Wong come to AALEAD!
Obama sends over Dr. Rosen and B.D. Wong to AALEAD!
Dr. Rosen, a cancer researcher and the director of the cancer center at Northwestern University Memorial Hospital, and B.D. Wong, an actor who has appeared in several Law and order: Special Victims Unit episodes and was the voice of Captain Shang in Mulan, made a visit to AALEAD!
The Washington Blade was also on hand to film the event!
Both Dr. Rosen and B.D. Wong were part of the “Importance of Fatherhood” agenda that President Obama had planned to kick off Father’s Day weekend. AALEAD was nominated to be a host for these renowned figures to discuss the importance of role models and dreams to youth in the D.C. area.
After discussion and a few questions, Dr. Rosen and B.D. Wong had to rush off to the White House. Once there, CNN spoke to Obama about the day’s efforts.
Obama Takes Time for Father's Day, Makes Fatherhood a National Priority - ABC News
If you click the link you can see that Dr. Rosen had kept on the AALEAD shirt!!
For more on President Obama's "Importance of Fatherhood" initiative, please see this article at
Graduation Party
In honor of the graduating students from AALEAD, we had a party full of snacks, music, and friends.

There was a slide show recapping the year’s events, including pictures that we had almost forgotten we had taken. It was a nice time to realize how much time we had all spent together and grown into a small family.

Many AALEAD students got together to congratulate the graduating seniors and wish them good luck for the future.
Congratulations Seniors!!! You did it!!!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
AAPI Day of Service
What was once a boring and drab white office room....
Monday, June 08, 2009
DC vs. MD High School Events!

High school students from our DC and Maryland programs have participated in two collaborative events showcasing the academic and athletic talents. The first event held on April 8th was a "Family Feud" style trivia event with US History as the topic. It was a close contest with Maryland squeaking out a win through Kevin P.'s knowledge of Manifest Destiny!!!
On May 28th, the two AALEAD high school programs met again in a flag football competition. Though the rain prevented a best of three series, the DC side proved to be too much for the Maryland team through the heroics of Ricky K. and Carlos M. as they won 2-0!!!

Stay tuned for updates on this series!