For 2 weeks, the Maryland Middle School and DC Elementary After School programs collaborated to help Children's Hospital to raise toys, books, and activity books for their little patients. Through our staff member Carol Hazelwood who has volunteered at Children's for over 16 years, we were able to connect with the hospital. As the middle school AALEAD'ers raised the donations, the elementary AALEAD'ers decorated bags to hold the items. Both programs also helped to fold 1000 paper cranes inspired by Sadako Sasaki's story, Thousand Paper Cranes. While we collaborated, the students also communicated with each other through short videos. They were able to talk to each other and say "hi" through these video recordings. Each week the middle school AALEAD'ers were so excited to see the elementary AALEAD'ers.
The Middle Schoolers were able to raise over 60 items!!!! Below is a video from two students, Thao and Alex, who took it upon themselves to go around their neighborhood and raise donations.
This is just one of several stories of how students really took responsibility to help Children's Hospital. AALEAD is so proud of our students for thinking of others above themselves! GREAT JOB EAS and MD MS! You guys Rock!!!!