Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Good Life…Eating Smart (Week 4)

By Danny Young

Wednesday, July 22nd around 35 high schooler's went out to Dave and Buster's for our weekly field trip! We truly enjoyed ourselves: playing games, eating, winning prizes…The best part was we all chipped in to get really great prizes – like when we pooled our tickets together so Magy could get HUGE stuffed animals. But it wasn't all just play, during Eating Smart Week, we also spent some time talking about snacks that are healthy: hummus, guacamole, and banana/peanut butter wraps (and then we made them!). Of course we also had an IRON CHEF competition, where we all split into two teams. The competition was intense – we were judged on creativity, presentation, and flavor. Zefanya and her team pulled together the winning dishes!

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